How we Work with Candidates

Our product is our people, so our goal is to build a long-standing relationship with our candidates.

We invest our time and industry expertise to understand your career path, motivations, and future aspirations.

At BJRC Recruiting, we always meet our candidates face-to-face or over a video call. If there is a position that we feel you may be suitable for, we will schedule an in-person meeting with you. We meet with all of our candidates before agreeing to represent them to a client.

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Job Sourcing

If we feel that we can assist you but do not have an action position for you, our service will go far beyond what traditional recruiters offer to their candidates. We will work with you to develop a sound career strategy, including a list of businesses/firms to approach on your behalf.

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Interview Preparation &
Contract Negotiations

Once an interview has been secured, we will provide an in-depth interview preparation session. As your candidacy progresses, we will assist in your contract negotiations and will be there each step of the way during your onboarding period.

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All candidate information is added to our secure database and tracked appropriately. If you are suitable for future opportunities, you will be contacted to discuss the new position.
Please note that our relationship with you is completely confidential, and none of your information will be sent to a third party without your consent.