3 Things You Can Change in Your Workplace to Secure Top Talent

Is your workplace working for you or against you when it comes to securing top talent for open positions? Before answering this question, it’s important to consider both your job closing rate and your retention rate, as both play a crucial role in providing the answer. If your organization struggles with either of these initiatives, it’s time to analyze your workplace structure.
Finding, securing and retaining top talent has become increasingly challenging over the past few years. This is because employees of all levels and seniority consider a great deal more than just a competitive salary when it comes to how they feel about their job. In fact, in a recent study completed in 2022, it was found that 57% of employees left a job due to poor workplace relationships with their boss or their team or toxic workplace cultures.
Understanding this, employers and organizations must focus on cultivating workplace environments that are not only positive but add value to their employee’s life. So, if you’re looking to secure top talent for your business this year and improve your retention rate, it may be worth making a few changes to your workplace. Here’s where we suggest starting:
1. Create Opportunities for Career Development
It has been found that one-third of all employees seeking a new position will look to see if the business has room and opportunity for growth. This is why it is so important for organizations to have structures that encourage career growth and personal development and promote internally.
We understand that some positions may need to be filled from external resources; however, having the processes set that help employees grow within their roles and the business helps secure talent and prevents employees from becoming stagnant in their work.
One of the leading causes for employees to quit their positions is “lack of progression.” So, if retention rate is a major concern for your business, this update in your workplace structure will surely help make improvements.
2. Develop a Positive Work Environment
If toxic workplace cultures are one of the leading factors for why employees quit their positions, then organizations must do their due diligence in working to create a positive workplace environment. This will not only help secure top talent, as people look to work in positive, encouraging, and creative places, but it will also increase retention. To put it frankly, if you’re employees are happy, they won’t want to leave!
Now, we understand that this is easier said than done. However, the results of this initiative go a long way. To begin, it’s always a good idea to look within and see what is working and what can be improved on. And there’s no one better to answer this question than your employees themself.
Send out an anonymous survey, ask employees directly, or have managers meet with their teams to see how the workplace environment can be improved. This may be as simple as “Free Lunches on Wednesday” or as integrated as improving communication across the board.
From these suggestions, you can work with your leadership team to improve the workplace environment. This will most likely be a lengthy process that evolves and changes over time; however, the benefits are priceless.
3. Work with a Recruiter During the Hiring Process
Your workplace will only be as positive as your employees. And unfortunately, if there are a few toxic candidates in the mix, it doesn’t matter how many changes you make; the environment may still be seen as unpleasant and toxic.
This is why the recruitment process for an open position is an extremely important one. Your organization not only wants to secure top talent, landing someone who can help grow and evolve your business, but you also want someone who is the right fit for the team and culture.
Working with a recruitment firm helps to alleviate any problems or issues with hiring right from the onset. Not only will a firm look for candidates with the experience and expertise to land the role, but they also consider other important factors, such as your workplace culture and whether this person’s personality will be a good fit for the team.
Hiring the “right fit” helps to maintain a positive and like-minded workplace environment, which not only leads to securing more excellent candidates but also prevents current employees from leaving. In addition, it helps to ensure that all positive changes, such as work-from-home perks or free lunches, actually add positive value to the workplace rather than trying to cover up deeper internal issues.
If you’re interested in learning more about working with a recruitment firm, we can help. Feel free to contact us today to learn more about your business and workplace culture, helping you secure the right candidates that lead to an improved and positive workplace.